Adam Stewart, DC
Wellness & Chiropractic Practitioner in Central Florida
"I'm dedicated to improving the quality of life to the patients I'm privileged to serve."

Top Rated Orlando Chiropractor
• Chiropractic Care For Your Spine, Neck and Back Pain Problems
• Voted Best of Orlando
•Most Major Insurance Providers Accepted

Do you remember a time when people had a personal relationship with their physician? Dr. Stewart prides himself and Stewart Wellness & Chiropractic on that very principle. Having worked in the multi practitioner, larger clinic environment, he has elected to open a smaller, more personalized practice focused on patient centered care, not volume.
On your first visit, you can expect to have a one-on-one meeting with the Doctor consisting of a thorough history of the issue and an in-depth physical exam. If X-rays or advanced imaging is needed to help determine the scope of an injury, that will be addressed at that time.
Dr. Stewart recognizes that human physiology operates as a whole and not as individual parts and so you will be assessed as a whole and not a jumble of individual injuries. Nutrition, lifestyle, and biomechanics may be discussed in order to get a more complete understanding of
your current injury or complaint.
It is the goal of Stewart Wellness & Chiropractic to not only resolve whatever your primary complaint is, but to help you achieve the best YOU possible, whether that be recovering from a torn rotator cuff playing softball, having injured your back lifting the kids, or simply a desire to lose weight and feel more alive. We care for all levels of physical abilities and age groups, from the seasoned triathlete to the desk jockey.